Last updated: 22 May 2002







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It's A Boy!

Brit Photo Album - The guests at Tim's big event.

More pictures of Timothy on his Web Photo Album.

Ouch! - Timothy was circumcised on the 8th day after birth, the 11th of April. We found an absolutely fantastic Mo'hel, Sandak, Godfather, and Special Godfather. Get more pictures and an explanation on the Brit ceremony.

Mohel Chachkes, Vic, and Tim before he gets cut.

New! Baby Shower Photo Album - The English Conversation Group throws Tim a little party.


Timothy Elijah Kang-Yuan Leung was born 4:10 P.M. on Thursday 4 April 2002 at Tel Hashamer Hospital in Tel Aviv, Israel. Weighing in at 3.3 Kg or about 7-1/4 lbs., Timothy has black hair. He is named after his Uncle Timothy Sheck-on. Leung and Great Grandmother Emma Kessler.

(Above) Timothy and the Girls! Nicole, Samantha, and Catherine Bass.



Although the Baby Hotel was great, there's no place like home. We finally arrived home after five days in the hospital and were welcomed by a house full of flowers, hot chow and some friendly visits!

What's LMB?

In the past, you may have noticed that we referred to Timothy as LMB. LMB stands for "Little Meshita Baby", as Timothy was conceived on a business trip to the U.S. Stephanie was escorting the Israeli Navy Director of Intelligence, Admiral Yezechial Meshita.

On the scale right after surgery at 3.5 kgs.

Dr. Carp delivered Tim

Timothy checking out the world.

What Baby Needs

Summer Clothes: Infant - 5 months, 15 - 18 months

Fall Clothes: 6 - 9 months

Winter Clothes: 10 -12 months

Spring Clothes: 13- 15 months

Education donations

Boy bedding. Decorations. etc.


How Many Birth Certificates?

Since Timothy was born in Israel, he will be issued two birth certificates, one for the United States and one for Israel. What does that mean? He is a dual citizen until the age of 18, at which point he will have to decide if he will serve in the Israeli Defense Forces.

Can he still become President of the United States? According to our local Consular Agent, because of Constitutional Law, both Samantha and Timothy cannot run for the Presidency as they are not born in the United States. Sounds like a new Amendment needs to be written to me! Stand by for more details on SAMPAC and TIMPAC (Political Action Committee)



attache discussion family friends israel nicole timothy samantha stephanie victor gparents