Last updated: 13 October 2002







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The Leung Family

Nice Hat Vic!

Front Row: Samantha, Nicole, Timothy

Back Row: Victor, Mickey, Stephanie

We need your help!

This site is intended for family activities and happenings, not only the immediate family but our whole extended family. Currently we span the globe from the Far East to the Middle East, Europe, and of course the U.S.

The news is a little light this time around so email us what's happening with you!

The Leung Family Photo album is here.

Got any news or photo's? Just email them to me for inclusion on this page, especially if your name appears on this page!

To get a quick summary of what we've been up to over the last couple of years check out our decklog.


Around the World

Congratulations David! David Lang (formerly Liang) was on Chinese TV 9/11. He was interviewed by a reporter for being a fire fighter, and he had supported the NYFD in Ground Zero. David recently spent two weeks in Taiwan conducting training and translation. (reported by Shirley Leung)

Welcome Irene! Irene is a recent West Coast Convert as she has moved to Sanata Barbara to study filn. For contact information, please email the webmaster.

The Stork is Coming! Stephen Chan and Irene Chou are expecting number one this October! Steve and Irene just got married. See their Wedding Photo Album

Answer to last month's quiz. Who has gotten married on the 8th of the month?

  • Dave and Susan Woodhouse 8/8/88
  • Vic and Steph Leung 12/8/95

A. William Y. Wan was an academic prior to his arrival in the United States.



Mazel Tov Robin and Aaron! Robin and Aaron are expecting their first child in February.

Welcome Pat Norton! Pat found us on this web-site. Pat is Stephanie's first cousin, once removed. To see how is Pat related to Stephanie, click here.

Congratulations Jim and Sharon! On the birth of your first grandson Brody Logan.

Brody Logan

Congratulation Louie and Barbara Schneider! They have enteered the 21st century and are now on-line. For contact information, please email the webmaster.

The Family Tree

I currently have a database of over 250 names between the Leung/Wan families and the Kessler/Kokotek families. This database goes back about 5 generations.

If you would like a copy of this database, I can export it in a file format called GEDCOM which you can then load into any Genealogy Program. Many of these programs are available for free! Just send me an email if you would like a copy.

Additionally, I may be emailing you for some information clarifying names and locations.

If you have web programing experience, drop me a line, I would like to make this database available on-line but with some privacy restrictions.

Family History

Got any anecdotes? Please email them to me. Future link will include Yeh-Yeh's reflections on "Coming to America".

What has Vic and Steph been up to for the last couple of years? Check our contemporary history.

Family Links

Cousin Diego and Sofia:

Have a site of your own? Send me the link for inclusion here.



attache discussion family friends israel nicole timothy samantha stephanie victor gparents