Last updated: 15 April 2002







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Mr. Mom - It must be the new Millinium because this guy is staying at home! But probably not by choice. The job market in Israel is not very robust at this time. So Vic has been cooking and entertaining the kids for the last year. He's even gotten to the point where he can almost braid hair! Here the kids are helping him make homemade pizza dough.

As for those long commutes...Nicole's school is two blocks away and Sam takes the bus to school which is only 1 mile away!

Plenty of daylight hours for us!


Vic's Angels. Fifty percent of the Clan on wheels.

Boys after a tough day at work.


Things I miss about working:

  • Adult conversation about important projects
  • Making money
  • Talking about money
  • Really cool technical topics

Things I don't miss about working:

  • Not being able to see the light of day (up before the sun, kids to school, and back home after sunset)
  • Killer commutes (there's a pile of dental floss at the corner of Braddock Road and Backlick Road)
  • Fast Food lunch and dinner

What did Vic do before his leisurely lifestyle now? See his on-line resume.

The boys in the family. Vic and the Prince.

...and the benefits!

Since Steph is the first Female Attache in Israel, Vic is the first and only male spouse in a group of about 50 women! Grrrrrrrr!


attache discussion family friends israel nicole timothy samantha stephanie victor gparents