Photo Album - The guests at Tim's big event.
Since Vic and Steph thought Timothy was going
to be a girl, they were totally unprepared for the circumcision.
With a lot of help from friends, Timothy was circumcised on the
8th day after birth, the 11th of April.
The brit mila (ritual circumcision) is always held during the
eighth day after the child is born, even if the eighth day occurs
on Shabbat or a holiday. A baby born on Monday morning or afternoon
will have his Brit on the next Monday. But a baby born on Monday
night will have his Brit on the following Tuesday since, according
to the Hebrew calendar, a new day begins after sundown.
Judaism views circumcision as a religious ceremony, rather than
just as surgery. Thus, it is recommended that a Mohel
perform the circumcision. A Mohel is a Jew who has been trained
in the physical procedures of circumcision and understands the religious
significance of the ritual. If a Mohel is not available, then a
Jewish physician can perform the circumcision. It is customary to
invite a rabbi to conduct the service. Timothy's Mohel was Dr. Chachkes
Honored Roles
It is considered an honor to be given a special role in the circumcision
Sandak, Admiral Yezechial Meshita, holds the baby
on his lap while the baby is circumcised.
Mohel is the ritual circumciser who has been trained
in the physical procedures of circumcision and who understands the
religious significance of the circumcision.
Kvatterin, Ruti Sassower, the "godmother".
Kvatter, Mr. Gadi Sassower, the "godfather".
...and of course "Special Godfather". LTC Warren
Mohel calls "Kvatter"
.The service began when the Mohel called out for "Aba"
(father) who held the baby for the initial explanations. The father
then gave the baby to the Sandak for the circumcision. During this
time, the Mohel recognizes the "Kvatter." With Timothy in the room
in which he would be circumcised., everybody stood and said "Baruch
HaBa" (May he who cometh be blessed). The Mohel recited a prayer
which mentioned the covenant with Abraham.
Elijah's Chair
The Sandak sits on a special chair called Keesay shel Eliahu (Chair
of Elijah). Elijah is considered the guardian of the child at the
circumcision, and thus there is a special chair in his honor.
The Mohel then says, "This chair is devoted to Elijah the prophet,
may his remembrance be for the good."
Prayers and the Circumcision
The Mohel recites the blessing "Praised by Thou, O Lord, our
God, King of the Universe, who hast sanctified us with Thy commandments,
and commanded us concerning the rite of circumcision."
The circumcision is then performed. (Ouch!) Actually, this went
very well for Timothy with little to now crying as he had already
consumed some small parts of wine. The cotton ball in Tim's mouth
above contains some sweet wine, to help him endure the pain. Although
he might not remember this night, his mom and dad sure will!
The Mohel then recited the blessing, "Praised by Thou, O Lord
our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us by Thy commandments,
and hast bidden us to make him enter into the covenant of Abraham
our father."
Those present respond, "As he has entered into the covenant,
so may he be introduced to the study of Torah, to the wedding canopy,
and to good deeds."
The wine was blessed, and a little wine was put on the mouth, again,
of Timothy. A prayer for the well-being of the child and family
was recited.
Timothy was given his Hebrew name in this prayer:
Creator of the universe. May it be Thy gracious will to regard and
accept this (performance of circumcision), as if I had brought this
baby before Thy glorious throne. And Thou, in Thy abundant mercy,
through Thy holy angels, give a pure and holy heart to Eliahu,
the son of Victor and Stephanie, who was just now
circumcised in honor of Thy great Name. May his heart be wide open
to comprehend Thy holy Law, that he may learn and teach, keep and
fulfill Thy laws.
Seudat Mitzvah (Festive Meal)
The ceremony was followed by a Seudat Mitzvah. This was held at
the Hertzliya Country Club and we had about 80 guests.. Grace after
the meal included special prayers for the welfare of the child,
parents, and Mohel.